NVL bug in TimesTen

Recently, I've found a message about weard NVL function behaviour on TimesTen forum and decided to make a test (funny bug).
[oracle@nodett1 ~]$ ttversion
TimesTen Release (32 bit Linux/x86) (tt1122:53392) 2011-12-23T09:21:34Z
  Instance admin: oracle
  Instance home directory: /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.2/TimesTen/tt1122
  Group owner: oinstall
  Daemon home directory: /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.2/TimesTen/tt1122/info
  PL/SQL enabled.
[oracle@nodett1 ~]$
Command> create table test ( id number, name_1 varchar2(20), name_2 varchar2(20));

Command> select nvl(name_1, 123) t1, nvl(name_2, 123) t2 from test;
0 rows found.

Command> insert into test values (1,'test',null);
1 row inserted.

Command> select * from test;
< 1, test, <null> >
1 row found.

Command> select nvl(name_1, 123) t1, nvl(name_2, 123) t2 from test;
 2922: Invalid number type value
0 rows found.
The command failed.

Command> select nvl(name_1, 123) from test;
 2922: Invalid number type value
0 rows found.
The command failed.

Command> select nvl(name_2, 123) from test;
< 123 >
1 row found.

Command> insert into test values (2,null,'test');
1 row inserted.

Command> select * from test;
< 1, test, <null> >
< 2, <null>, test >
2 rows found.

Command> select nvl(name_1, 123) t1, nvl(name_2, 123) t2 from test;
 2922: Invalid number type value
0 rows found.
The command failed.

Command> select nvl(name_1, 123) from test;
 2922: Invalid number type value
0 rows found.
The command failed.

Command> select nvl(name_2, 123) from test;
< 123 >
 2922: Invalid number type value
1 row found.
The command failed.
It looks like TimesTen tries to convert first expression into second’s expression data type. Especially I like the last statement :). Be careful with bugs.